CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________??????????

A few links make it: the majority of my attempts to paste links ends with a BIG  X BLOCKED.

links from eBay, links from amazon, links from Discogs, .....

AND, any prior text disappears when you try to get back to what you had written, just gone.


@elliottbnewcombjr Simply select the text you want, e.g. "Here is a link," then click the link button. Then paste in the URL of the site. You can also start by clicking the link button and fill in the fields.

@pindac Install ad blocker extension in your browser.

Maybe I am jumping to a Conclusion, but the Gon Forum at present is seemingly overcontrolling and becoming an unattractive place to attend as a Forum Contributor.

This is the reason I left Audiogon for a year. The last straw for me was to get 6-8 posts deleted in 4 months when I had no posts deleted in the 20 yrs previous. Too much drama on Agon and its just not much fun.  OTOH most of the so called "audiophile" boards are also contentious as well. Post anything about cables, or anything that helps conduct a signal better is sure to turn into a bunch of mud slinging. Even on  A'gon I'm not sure that any thread which spoke positive about Perfect Path Technologies ever survived. Like you said, unattractive

OP:  The issue seems to be a bug that raw links don't work, but if you link text to a URL that works consistently well.

So if I were to put in a pure URL here:

http  colon slash slash CNN dot com

That would fail, but the link embedded in this sentence works.

Same for me post a link it says blocked but I’m not blocked, question for @elliottbnewcombjr are you using the Firefox browser? I am and that sometimes causes issues. Thanks!


BTW I messaged Tammy and Audiogon is not doing this it's a glitch.

Today i observed that my posts are no more located in the right temporal order when i posted them...

It seems corected after a few minutes though ...

But this glitch never happenned before ...