How about this. End game is a label some folks use as an attempt to put an end to (cap) on upgraditis. The false belief that there is a point when one will finally not be inclined to upgrade.
The fact that there is no end game possible in gear design improvement and no end game either in acoustics and psychoacoustics related improvement a priori, is a common place fact and evidently true...
There is an end game possible for a pre-established limited budget choices and there is an end game with a specific system once chosen for his synergy and a specific room once chosen and an end game here means a balanced ratio or an optimal balanced set of parameters of all acoustics factors resulting from gear and room and specific ears canals and HTRF measures...
Then there exist for us mortals with a chosen system an end game which makes us happy with no frustration even at a relatively low cost...
This does not means that i am an ignorant thinking nothing beat my actual sound experience...
Acoustics with an "s" rule audiophile experience not upgrade races nor price tags ...
An "end game" is only an expression meaning for me that i am more in the search of new music than for a new piece of gear...
Changing now ONLY one piece of gear is even if it is possible no more so attractive because of my acquired minimal satisfying acoustics balance ..The real upgrade i needed if i want; i need 15,000 bucks ( compared to 1000 bucks for my actual system ) and a new room i did not have in my small house...😊
Anyway i am in sound ectasy now and i know why because it is me who created it not the gear i picked , i created it by my own speakers and headphone modifications , homemade tweaks and acoustics knowledge ...My two main components speakers and headphone are modified according to acoustics basics ...
Then yes i can upgrade going from 1000 bucks to 15,000 but even if it will be way better i can live happy with what i have which is not a stopgap at all in my room conditions and nearfield listenings...
There exist an endgame which is not a frustrated state created by basic knowledge😊
i upgrade my list of musicians with 50 albums of Tete Montoliu which i added to my 100 Bill Evans albums and to my 100 Keith Jarrett ... The best money audiophile investment for me now ....😉
i say all that for beginners ... They must learn by studying and experimenting more than by mere buying ...