Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


"Lana Del Rey probably takes it as a compliment."

Absolutely. Adele has mentioned Lana as a great influence and she certainly took that as a compliment as well.

Well, I do not see why that should be "pathetic."

Ok Swifty.

Not really.  I think I've only listened to a couple of her songs.  One was a quite long one, a ballad of sorts that she performed on SNL, and the other one I remember hearing on a public radio station I used to listen to when I was driving, I kind of liked it, but all I remember of it was it was about a park in Jersey, or something like that?  As I typed, that one is at least a few years old.

All I was getting at is:  is everyone (and there are a bunch) who is compared to someone else (such as Bob Dylan, as an an example) pathetic?


Only to much well wrapped mass consumers musical product are uninteresting for me ... I will not use the word "pathetic" ... She is talented anyway ...

But many popular singers male or female had a touch of genius. The list is too long to be written here...

But many others at least half are mass products for consumption ..  Do you remember the "twist" era ?



@immatthewj  I've been listening to Dylan for decades and decades and I've seen him in concert a few times and I still stand by the fact that he really does not know how to sing. However like all the people decrying Swift as being talentless, that's just my opinion and my opinion doesn't mean anything

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