I’ve begun a project of listening to the Beethoven string quartets. So far I’ve listened to op. 18. Quartets. Beethoven’s genius is palpable in these works. He devoured the classical style whole and spit out masterpieces that surpassed even Haydn and Mozart in invention. And this is to mention only one genre he worked with.
I am on the same opinion as you for sure...
Beethoven add something to the quatuor genre very few can rival if some can...
I like a lot Robert Simpsons quatuors i begun to explore after i read his book about Bruckner...
For Beethoven quatuor i like a lot Talich, but i must go with your advice i think :
Regarding the Op. 18 works, I prefer: 1) ensembles who play them big and bold, and not like embryonic Mozart; and 2) Vibrato, please. I really dislike Quartets that eschew all vibrato (and coincidentally play at crazy speeds) and completely blow the expressive effects of the music.
My longstanding favorites are the Hungarian Quartet (stereo version)) and the Cleveland Quartet. Most of the more modern recordings I’ve heard are HIPP and therefore excluded by at least one of my criteria