ADD or Audiophile?

I’ve loved listening to music since a very young age, starting with my parents Grundig console tube stereo which they brought to the states when the army transferred my dad back to the US. I bought my first stereo components as a young teen and would sit in my dark basement bedroom listening to Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan…..In college, I’d sit and listen to music for hours.  Fast forward 40+ years…I now have a nice system. I look forward to weekends when i can listen to music in peace and quiet. What I’ve noticed is i can no longer just sit and enjoy music. I usually read (a lot of times Audiogon Discussion Forum) while listening. When a particular song comes on or a beautiful passage comes up, I focus on the beauty of the music and artistry of the musicians creating it, then its back to mental muli-tasking again. 
I suspect its some form of ADD, but I’d like to think that doesn’t disqualify me as an Audiophile. 
Anyone else share this “affliction?”


@artemus_5  I’ll try to experiment with your theory. I have a Linn LP12 packed up (I only stream or play CDs these days) that i can set up after i can make room for it again. 
@bigtwin during those moments the music catches my attention, like you, I close my eyes which brings focus and adds the the enjoyment ( including roe-tapping but, for me no sleeping). 
The reason behind the premise of my post is after reading these forum posts over the years, I see so many members talking about spending hours enjoying their music with a glass of wine, tumbler of bourbon, a blunt, etc…but no mentions of reading like I do (usually Audiogon Forum, Stereophile, TAS, researching music or components, etc…). 
i THOROUGHLY enjoy reading these Forums and have learned so much from the experiences, opinions, and recommendations of contributing members.  I’m 67 and enjoy learning.  I’ll keep working until i stop learning and contributing to the company I’ve worked in for 42 years. However, I’m going on ~57 years enjoying music and learning about audio which will continue ad infinitum. 

I generally read when I am listening.  When I was a teenager in the early seventies I wanted some music in the background when I studied so I gravitated to the unplayed Classical Music in the home since my favorite what is now considered Classic Rock was distracting.  Eventually I began to love the Classical and then that became distracting.  When I had to really bear down and concentrate, particularly in undergrad and then Medical School, it was in a quiet library.  Now I listen to music constantly.  Internet Radio is playing in the background currently.  When we have guests staying with us my wife forbids the radio during breakfast and the house just sounds to quiet.

  I agree with @mickeyb that while the kids are growing it’s hard to relegate your listening to a dedicated time since we never have any personal time

@ezstreams Your reference to your parents' Grundig console caught my attention!  I, also, cut my teeth ... or maybe I should say my ears ... on the love of music and, ultimately, the quest for furthering its fidelity, on my parents' old Grundig console which, by the way, I still have!  It's a beautiful piece of what I consider to be antique furniture and/or audiophilia.  Did your parents' Grundig console look anything like this:

photos of Grundig stereo console - Bing images

As for the ADD thing, that's not ADD, at least not according to the DSM.  Personally, my greatest enjoyment of listening to tunes on my system is with or without friends and a fine glass of single malt Scotch or a nice wine.


@artemus_5 this is spot on. Sometimes I catch myself browsing on the phone and I'll make an observation and catch it, then I'll put the phone down and listen again. The convenience of technology is great, but it's probably more of a setback. 

I listen to familiar Jazz music, streaming or CD, while reading stereo magazines, nothing that I have to concentrate on. If a particular song is highly enjoyed, I stop to appreciate one of life’s finer moments. If it is a new Jazz album suggested by the above magazines, I will critically listen, eyes closed, to review properly.  
I listen to streaming music on Spotify.  One of the reasons is that I can see the lyrics for most of the vocal albums.  I listen to Rock and Roll, Blues, and Pop looking at the lyrics on my TV screen.  Ever since I was a kid and started listening to music, I never could fully understand the words of the R and R songs I heard.  It frustrated me.  
( I did find out in college that during certain weed-induced listening sessions I could understand every word spoken.  Ah, the good old days.)
This Spotify-enabled ability has greatly increased my enjoyment of all of my music.