I am not attaching a dollar figure as the basis for ranking any vinyl or digital systems. I’m certain we both know owners of $2k systems that believe they’ve found the holy grail, and the same goes for those with $20-$30k systems. Regardless, with that said, how many people in either the high or low priced groups, are truly trained listeners with a technical basis for being capable of objectively evaluating the "better or worse" definitions. Conversely, I’m absolutely certain these same people, generally, have strong (emotional?) opinions about the the gear they like and dislike.
In my experience, I have found two digital players that produce sonic characteristics unbelievably close to analog tape masters. These particular redbook CD players happen to be priced at $10k and $20k. I, personally, am hard pressed to find a significant difference between these two players. Both players have a non-feedback analog output stage powered by a tube PSU. Speaking for myself (remember I’m using MY EARS), I know of no other CD player that has similar analog characteristics.
The vast majority of CD players out there simply cannot compete on a comparative analog level with well assembled vinyl systems, and that includes some $20k plus SACD players I’ve listened to extensively.....not saying they sound horrible, but they do emphasize all characteristics, GOOD and bad, of the traditional digital we grew up with. As for vinyl, I cannot reasonably address comparative price categories of vinyl systems given the complex required synergies involving, TT, TA, cartridge and phono stage matching. I’ve heard decent $10k - $50k vinyl systems. I’ve also heard plenty of $100k plus vinyl systems that DO NOT blow away the more modestly priced ones!
Lastly, as for your last question about digital sources priced in the $2k range, there quite likely are players in the $2k price range that are listenable. But for as many entry level players as I’ve heard, none in my opinion come close to producing the sonic characteristics of the two players I described above. (I hope to purchase the $10k unit in the very near future.)