Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation

Hi everyone,

After about a 15 year hiatus from hifi, I'm looking to get back into it. I'm looking for a front ported bookshelf speaker. The reason is that it's going to go inside a cabinet and right against a back wall. My budget is up to $5,000 but the less, the better:) Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.



Aerial 5T.  It's a great speaker in your price range.  I own a pair and have the same issue with using them in a bookshelf arrangement.  They sound awesome!

Don't think front-ported speakers or speakers without rear ports can be generally placed directly against or near a front wall. These speakers need room to breathe. However, there are high-quality speakers specifically designed to be positioned close to or against a front wall, such as the D&D 8c.




Devore Fidelity Micr/O speakers.  They’re specifically designed for being in a cabinet.