I Sold my CD Player!!! Streaming sounds so incredible!!!

Several years ago, was the very first time I had the opportunity to hear a very high end, high quality, streaming audio system.  Once I heard it, I was smitten, and I knew right then and there that this was me all the way!!!  I was absolutely blown away by the handy convenience of the little iPad (or cell phone) used as remotes to control the otherworldly access to a virtual ocean of music via Tidal, Qobuz or downloads.  I immediately recognized this new technology as the future of my own audio system, especially with all the new hi rez stuff out there that was now made available. I gave up vinyl when CD came on the scene (yes, I'm an old guy), and, now, perhaps, it would be finally time to retire my beloved CD player.  Long story short:  What put my streaming audio system over the top, as far as sound quality is concerned, was the assemblage of these core streaming devices-----( #1) A superb DAC, by Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty streaming DAC  (#2)  An outstanding music server, by Roon Nucleus Plus  (#3) An outstanding Audio Switch, by Pakedge Devices   (#4) Excellent Ethernet Cables, by Shunyata Sigma.  I also utilize numerous other tweaks and filters that further purify the streaming audio signal within my room and audio system.  At this juncture in life, I am just mesmerized by the combination of sound quality and convenience that I get through my streaming audio system.  I'm also happy and pleased to report that, I don't miss my old beloved CD player one bit.  Happy listening.              


I just bought a transport… go figure.  I embrace all formats but I have a lot of CDs and sometimes I’ll search on Tidal or Qobuz and an artist or album isn’t available  

I stream a lot , my Aurender N200 sounds great but I think this new transport rivals or betters it with 44.1k content    I tend to buy CDs and records where I like both sides so those I do like to own the physical media.   As awesome as streaming is I like to have a music library 


Streaming radio station or Fm isn't best for discovering new artists. Between Qobuz and Tidal which I stream over Roon, nearly unlimited music, and Roon radio will play entire catalog of my ripped library, Tidal and Qobuz at random, also suggestions of similar artists when playing individual tracks or albums.


I don't get into sound quality arguments, all can be top notch, and I continue to have very nice vinyl setup, nothing beats having the art and packaging in a larger format. CD's blah for this, don't miss it.


The only thing I don't get is those who continue to exclusively use cd and/or  vinyl with small collections of both. Even with 6k to choose between both formats and virtually all genres I ended up in repeat mode, familiar with everything, no surprises. Finding new great music keeps it fresh!

 I find CDs generally poorly recorded, clipped and way over compressed.  I have over a thousand of them and just don’t like the sound. 

If I had the same experience, I wouldn't bother with CDs either. It's not my experience, though. 

Related story:

The other day I visited my local hifi shop as I often do when passing by.

I was able to connect my iPhone to their network and stream any of “my” music on any of the systems they had set up, At least several dozen different choices there including their reference system running top of the line Mac amplification and Sonus Faber Cremonese ( I think) speakers.

I used Roon Arc to connect remotely to my Roon server at home and streamed to the vendor’s systems using airplay.

Welcome to hifi in the 21st century, year 2024.

With that experience fresh in my mind, I was able to come home and tweak my sound just a tad for the better streaming the same tracks as  at the store  and  using Roon and it’s built-in DSP and a few minor placement adjustments.

My recommendation is to do anything possible to keep up with what modern technology has to offer and avoid merely living in the past and only doing the same things done 40 years ago on the quest for good sound.

Happy listening!

@classicrockfan High end audio is all about musical listening pleasure, so there’s no such thing as a "bad investment." This is fun stuff and should not to be taken so seriously. If whatever audio item you purchase, cables, amps, speakers, etc., regardless of cost, brings you that much closer to audio nirvana, then the purchase was worth every penny, and more. Happy listening