Amps that don’t impersonate space heaters.

There have been some epically hot periods in metropolitan Chicago this summer. I have had a long running affair with a pair of Avantgarde Uno s2’s and don’t really require a great deal of power. I have two dissimilar but equally compelling amps (a Pass 30.5 and a BAT vk-56) both prodigeous producers of heat creating a sauna like environment in my library/listening room the HVAC system not withstanding. What, if anything, have you boys and girls found that might replicate the qualities of my beloved amps minus the potential for 3rd degree burns and heat prostration?
Cheers and good fortune to you all. 


Simaudio, accuphase or luxman(class a/b). I have both and neither run that hot. I live in Chicago as well. Stay away from pure class A. 

I also live in the Chicago area, and the amp I use that never gets more than room temperature is an Anthem P-2 you can play it all day and night at full power and it never even gets warm to the touch.

ADG monoblocks sound very good for the money and produce little heat… and come in a carrying case and look like tubes to boot. I’ve had them in my system. 

I used to run a BAT VK55SE amp and loved the sound, but couldn't bear the high temps in the summer. I picked up a pair of Atmasphere Class D monoblocks prior to last summer and haven't looked back. Much as it bothers me, I never put the BAT back in service during the 'dark season' as the Atmasphere Class D amps just sound too good to put on the shelf.

I'm running them with a BAT VK33SE preamp, into a pair of Raidho X1 monitors, in a studio-like (i.e. very near field) setup and absolutely love the sound. 

Per his comment above, I'm in the same camp as Ralph: The sound the Atma Class D amps put out has everything I need to enjoy hours of listening, deep into the music, and without fatigue. The fact of them running with virtually no heat is but a mere side benefit.