Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


My minimalist mantra is less or no wire between components is best. Wires are not rocket science. Keep it simple! Yes they can sound different but if the rest is done right then who cares? Not me. Most any good quality wire will do. I don’t want fancy wires coloring my sound. Could be due to my upbringing in Amish Country. Go wireless! Amazon is your wire friend.

Faulty premise. Unless I’m not understanding you, you’re suggesting that cable “deniers” would prefer no cables at all so they don’t need to buy any? Cable deniers simply don’t believe super expensive cables are audibly better than well made but far cheaper ones. It has nothing to do with not wanting cables. Cables are necessary. $150k ones are not. We believe you buy cables to connect equipment. Not because there’s something magical about investing insane amounts of money in them. You literally said the quiet part out loud. You love buying expensive cables. Which is fine. Long as you admit that’s the draw. It’s almost like an addiction, and like most addictions, it requires a good amount of denial, self deception and justification.