No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?

Very interesting and with a fairly profound impact on our audiophile community:

Some strong language in the ruling. How are some of our YouTubers going to be able to sustain their channels without gifted products?



Reviewers have been getting free gear and accommodation pricing forever.  I don't expect that to change at all.   

Very true ,,I spoke to a friend in Canada who personally had met  two of these reviewers and yes they  have received Free components and speakers .with much more expensive products up to 65% off with no shipping or taxes . Shocking but true . I assume this too pertains to TAS and Stereophile , as well as online magazines on Audiogon we get much more realistic  honest opinions of actual gear .fortunately for me I am semi retired and get to hear a lot of gear and go to many group comparisons  which is like going to a Audio show  but in a much more relaxed setting.

It should change, based on the ruling. Assuming there are any teeth involved and resources to police/implement the ruling. It cuts pretty deep if you read the whole thing, beyond the basic sub-title:

The rule will allow agency to strengthen enforcement, seek civil penalties against violators, and deter AI-generated fake reviews

Is it even worth the risk for some of our guys, I mean our niche is so small, the majority of small reviewers can't be making much money out of it even with the occasional manufacturers' swag bag thrown in. 

I hope it doesn't change too much in our industry, other than a couple of obvious violators I don't think there's much wrong with it as it stands... Just my opinion and I could be wrong (again).

Hopefully the ruling will get rid of so much nonsense..... my bet is they are looking for a way around it as I type this. As a long time audiophile, I'm hard to fool now but as a newby I was prone to believe the nonsense I read.

We can only get 50$ a year from the drug reps in food and stuff  called the sunshine act our brilliant government passed.worked all through lunch on regular basis was great for every one including staff and patients to feed and see people in do they get insider trading.not much we can do .so we enjoy the music and stay healthy.