How to set up volume control on a DAC without a preamp

I am creating my system and trying to decide on a DAC.  I don't have a preamp at this time and the preamps I am looking at are quite expensive.  Several DAC's that i'm looking at doesn't have volume control either. Is it possible to set up volume control in ROON or HQ Player until I can get the money together for the preamp?


A digital preamp,or passive you loose detail,and especially dynamic control and separation vs a decent Active preamp .

you never stated your budget for dac ,or preamp  for $600 the Denafrips Enyo R2R 15  gen 15 dac, or the New Denafrips Gen -15 Ares for around $1k very good build and sound quality,   Schiit Audio has several choices the lowest to go the $289  model , if you pay a little more monies  in your preamp you get more power supplies and bigger transformers much better sounding.

If you get a very good DAC with a quality digitally controlled, analog volume control/preamp you do not need a preamp. Connect the DAC to your amp(s)

That's how I'm doing it with my Playback Designs DAC. I'll have a phono preamp but my DAC will have analog inputs so no preamp necessary. Preamps may go away one day.

You haven't mentioned any of the contenders (dacs) or streamer(s)..

With that said, it's hard to give any kind of recommendation 😕 

Software volume control works, but the risk of hitting play with the volume level at 100 is always there lurking in the background.

Purchase a passive volume control. The Schiit Sys is $50. There are others.