Battle of the Older DAC

Would this be a simple choice for you?

Looking at upgrading my DAC and at similar price points have options of an Auralic Vega (2013) and a Schiit Yggdrasil OG A2 (2018?) 

I have heard the Auralic and it is impressive, but the reputation of the Yggy looks solid.

Would be keen to hear from anyone who has experience of both or if the choice is clearer that it appears to me.

As ever, would love to hear your thoughts.



I would try to listen to a few DACs if possible.   Not sure I would buy a digital component that is 10 plus years old.     What's your budget?

I agree with oddiofyl.  DAC technology has progressed quite a bit in the last few years.  Look into the newest chips, then try to find one that's well designed.  

Go to Audio Science Review and read the test reports on all the DAC's. Measurements don't lie! Subjective opinions are just that - opinions - and worth little!

The last ten years the sound quality of DACs has improved significantly. Consider a newer one… maybe three to five years, you will get a significant discount and probably much higher quality.

Do not waste your time on Audio Science Review (ASR). The information there is completely worthless for evaluating the actual sound quality of components.

But they have not tested "Every" DAC, most of what they have tested is lower end stuff. Bought the Topping DAC and ended up giving it to my hearing impaired cousin. ASR has some okay information but they are a far cry from being the authority on anything. @jasonbourne71 is so predictable with his posts. I  am sure @audiotroy will chime in with his advice, 1,2,3.

Go to Audio Science Review and read the test reports on all the DAC’s. Measurements don’t lie! Subjective opinions are just that - opinions - and worth little!