HiFi satisfaction and/ or Musical enjoyment

Have you ever asked yourself if these are the same or different objectives?

For me I had an epiphany after over 25 years of chasing perfection that enjoying music is different than owning the best hifi gear. This happened when I grabbed an a used Pathos integrated, BS Node and Forte IV for my second system in my open floor plan.

I found myself listening much more to my 2nd system and nowhere near as much in my dedicated treated room with a reference level system costing >25x the price of my downstairs system.


After I realized my behavior I began a self assessment:

A.) Lower expectations are more easy exceeded

B.) The system is less resolving therefore average to poor recordings are still enjoyable
C.) I listened to entire tracks or albums that I wanted to listen to vs what sounded the most impressive on my reference HiFi system. Damn it is nice to listen to the music that you love.


Does it matter how you become satisfied with audio reproduction or just that you get there?

For me it just matters that I am happy and if I can get there with modestly priced gear and in this economy be subject to far less of a depreciation hit… hey that is a win win.


Below are a few other things that I learned about “my” preferences

1.) I prefer high sensitivity large speakers due to their ability to create realism (no replacement for displacement)

2.) Paper cones over any exotic materials

3.) High tech cabinet materials are great but I have no issue with properly braced MDF or plywood

4.) Wide dispersion designs (look for Klippel data on a speaker that you are interested in and see the horizontal dispersion)

5.) Soundstage scale and tone take the cake for me… throw a huge stage due to #4 above and nail tone and we will call it a day


So what did I do about this Audio crisis of mine? Sold all of the HiFi gear and grabbed some Cornwall IVs and some used gear to drive them at a fully depreciated price. Are Cornwalls perfect? Nope. Is any speaker? Nope. Screw it I am now a man free from HiFi BS and listening to music.


Sounds more to me like you put together a poor sounding main audio system like many people do and you are now in lament. 


I didn’t do that. I have years changing equipment with the goals of removing edginess, graininess, sibilance,  harshness so I have a detailed relaxing wall-to-wall sound and spend most of my music listen time in front of my main system. 

When I hearing an intriguing new melody I can’t wait to hear it on my main system. 

glad you found your nirvana by backing out but I believe your journey was flawed to begin and end with. 

Sounds more to me like you put together a poor sounding main audio system like many people do and you are now in lament.

OP has never described his "main system," but how bad could it have been, considering that he claims it cost 25 times more than the combined price of "a used Pathos integrated, BS Node and Forte IV" (meaning that OP’s "main system" would have been a $200+k system)?

Seriously, @xp200dr, I find your behavior puzzling, and you might want to consider consulting a psychologist, preferably one who understands music and audio gear—though maybe not immediately. The price points of the two systems are so drastically different that it’s hard to find any justification for your bizarre behavior. smiley

I found myself listening much more to my 2nd system and nowhere near as much in my dedicated treated room with a reference level system costing >25x the price of my downstairs system

Nope, if the reference level system is not working for you, you need to spend MORE money, not less.

Hasn’t reading 25 years of Stereophile taught you anything?wink