Current quality of Rune

I did some searching and didn't find any recent posts about Roon. I want to try streaming with my new dac which is made to work with Roon. 

I'm able to stream with Audivarna which I had used previously. It sounds good, but there is a glitch that causes loud static when switching songs. After lots of Googling, I've failed to come up with a fix. 

I'll do the free trial and try Roon, but I wanted to get people's opinion on Roon. I've read that the interface is one of the best. Is it reliable? Good sound quality?  I've read that Audivarna sounds better, but those could be old comments. 


@lalitk It's working well. I love the gui. 

At some point, I'll do a comparison with my Innuos streamer, but everything sounds good. If the Innuos streamer sounds better, I'll just use it. 

OK, correct menu items are "Device Setup" then "Resync Delay"

That will probably fix most problems. 

Under Show Avanced options however you should check the maximums to ensure that Roon doesn't think your DAC can do what it cannot, and also worth setting the buffer size to maximum.  This slightly increases the time to play the first track but also makes your DAC less sensitive to network issues.


Innuos + Sense App provides a very good streaming experience. Sense app is well laid out but lacks the bells and whistles of Roon. I don’t think you loose much of sound quality streaming through Sense + Innuos but once you implement Roon properly you will not like anything else. So take your time exploring options with Roon hardware.

Good luck and enjoy your journey! 

I prefer BubbleUPnP to mConnect after using them both. But neither are preferable to a decent native streaming app. If you don't have one try a different streamer.

I agree a one box solution can equal or surpass a two box solution. At issue is the quality of the output or interface (usb, I2S, spdif, etc) of streamer. For instance if one is using a laptop for Roon, no brainer to adopt a two box solution, this means adding usb isolation devices which also go by the name renderer, endpoint, streamer;  Sonore MicroRendu is one example of these devices, many other manufacturers as well. These devices isolate computer noise that travels along usb cable from contaminating dac. End result is lower noise floor, greater resolution.  This is exactly why Roon offers a two box solution, therefore, Roon Core on computer, Roon Endpoint on the outboard usb device, computer now goes by the name server, no longer a streamer since it only serves the core to the actual music player streamer which is the Roon Endpoint. Limitation of Audirvana is that it can only be a one box solution, has no separate Endpoint last time I looked. I'm not surprised people have glitches when using Roon with general purpose computers, Roon requires a relatively large measure of processor resources,having other apps and such running on computer can overtax processors leading to all kinds of issues. As these music players continue to evolve they only tax processors more greatly, the user interfaces, analysis of huge libraries, dsp use up resources, you best have a powerful processor, large RAM for a glitch free experience.


Moving into a dedicated streamer may or may not preclude the need for the above device, depends on quality of interface within streamer. Highest quality streamers go a step further by further optimizing these interfaces within the streamer, in this case no outboard devices likely needed. Everything determined by how far one wants to take it, streaming can be a complex or simple undertaking, optimization of streaming interfaces and many other streaming components extremely variable.


Example of taking things to the extreme,