@jijoh123 I recalled this same recurring question about "which amplifier" to use with versions of the Tekton Moab in 2020. Impedance was the overarching concern. Link is below for your reference.
The Moab owner determined his Moab speakers were truly running down in the 3 ohm range. This will take a capable amplifier to drive those drivers properly in order to evoke desired result. Most tube amps like 8+ohms loads. If you have the same version of the Moabs, maybe find an amp that can do 2ohms without breaking a sweat fwiw. Confirming your speaker impedance load matters here. Best of Luck.
jenglemann "Having dealt with some tube amp anomalies after installing the Tekton MOABS, I decided to measure the actual resistance and found mine to measure 3.1 ohms.
When I moved the speakers to the 2 ohm output terminal on the amplifier, it resolved the issue.
The amplifier manufacturer suggests not tapping for loads less than the output tap rating. Again, this is a tube amp. Might measure your MOABs to see what the actual load is on the amplifier. Also keeping in mind that the resistance can drop when being driven hard. This could be a factor in choosing a new amp.".