The Stereo Times Coda S5.5 amplifier just posted today. Thanks guys

Just wanted to inform and thank all the Gon members who have participated on the "Petite Beast" Coda S5.5 thread that the Stereo Times review went live this morning. The thank you is for sharing your experiences with the S5.5 in your systems, which became part of my review. I hope my review explains why this is a special amplifier in a way that does justice to it.

Thanks again, Teajay (Terry London)


From my experience less powerful amps tend to have slightly better tonality than more powerful amps even from the same manufacturer. I believe this may relate to a reduced number of output transistor pairs or output tube pairs. This has been my experience with both Coda and VAC. Enjoy!

I just purchased an S5.5 and have maybe 100hrs on it. My speakers (Spendor D9s) are easy to drive. I’ve owned a Pass X250.8 and Bryston 4B3 with the D9s and I think the 50w/c S5.5 sounds/feels like the most powerful amplifier I’ve had using them!

Keeping in mind I only play in the mid 80dBc range, room is 13x17, and D9s are 8ohm/90dB (so the amps are coasting as my X250.8 never left its 18W Class A bias), it has the tightest control and best macro and micro dynamic swings I’ve heard in my system. The 4B3 and AtmaSphere Class D monos were the previous two amps I’ve owned with them that I would have rated the most dynamic and with the best bass, now it is this little Coda.

Oh yea, it also sounds very very good! The high frequencies are likely the best of any amplifier I’ve owned. To my ears they are so detailed and airy, but not forward or hard sounding. I think it is a killer littlish amp (45lb) that so far being on for 5 days straight is just warm to the touch. My two Pass amps (XA30.8 also) heated the room up like crazy...

It seems like the Coda gear is to amps is what Harbeth is to speakers, plus bass. My CSIB was very detailed and easy to listen to, did nothing wrong.  I just always prefer tubes over time.

Nice pitch for Stereo Times and Coda.