The Stereo Times Coda S5.5 amplifier just posted today. Thanks guys

Just wanted to inform and thank all the Gon members who have participated on the "Petite Beast" Coda S5.5 thread that the Stereo Times review went live this morning. The thank you is for sharing your experiences with the S5.5 in your systems, which became part of my review. I hope my review explains why this is a special amplifier in a way that does justice to it.

Thanks again, Teajay (Terry London)


It seems like the Coda gear is to amps is what Harbeth is to speakers, plus bass. My CSIB was very detailed and easy to listen to, did nothing wrong.  I just always prefer tubes over time.

Nice pitch for Stereo Times and Coda.

I showed some interest in these amps to a Danish dealer, asking them about the updates done to the latest version, but they came back to me that there were no updates? I inquired again to the dealer telling them about this forum thread, but they came back sounding a bit annoyed telling they had informed me of this before after inquiring the importer?!

So maybe Coda are not informing to their distributors or the seller don’t want to sell Coda products 😂😂😂