Thanks for your enlightening interpretation with which i concur...
I will only add that like cooking, traveling, music also need always education of basic tastes...
I dont listen music as i did when i was young even if i kept my taste it changed and amplified encompassing world music and jazz and classical After Bach.
While the gravitational pull here is music, looking beyond that subject, the video is easily applied to ALL marketing. The generification of food, clothing, cars and tract housing speaks to data smoothing in search of replicable product that maximizes sales/profit with minimal corporate effort.
Many traveling far from home will still look for familiar franchise food in lieu of something regional, interesting and particular to the culture. Eating at McDonald's while in Denmark. Looking for Taco Bell while in Argentina. Really?
People are by nature not risk takers, seeking the familiar. They even practice it in travel, touching on only what's found in the brochure. People are tribal and travel in support of that. Cruises dumping 5,000 at a time on a port so they can find expected. People do not like surprises. They like easily digestible music.