@audiojan ..." these the most neutral, detailed, yet smooth cables I've tried."
Yep. Exactly what the INT-25 is showing you more of too. More neutral, more detail, less bloom. And so it goes.
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?
I recently bought a used INT-25 to drive my PureAudioProject Trio15Classic. I have never been so torn by an amp as by this one! On one hand the details are addictive, but on the other hand, the details can be so distractive that I struggle to listen to the music. The INT-25 does do space really well and that’s definitely something I love and look for in an amp. I do miss some of the midrange magic and the warmth that a tube amp brings as well.
At this point, I’m not sure the INT-25 is going to stay. There’s so many things I love about it, but other things that distracts me from listening to the actual music.
I also miss some of the warmth that tubes bring. Is there such a thing as an integrated tube (or hybrid) that retains all the strength of the INT-25, but adds the midrange magic and warmth of the tube amp? Don’t mind if I lose some of the distracting details in the recording, but don’t want to give up too much of that. The PAP's do like a bit of power (the INT-25 is definitely sufficient), so low power SET's are not likely where I'd go.
Yep. Exactly what the INT-25 is showing you more of too. More neutral, more detail, less bloom. And so it goes. |
@audiojan - Over the last five years I’ve tried to listen to as many amps as possible. One amp that stands out in my mind is the Audio Research I-50. I originally ordered one when we were first coming out of COVID. Unfortunately, supply chains were slowing things down so I cancelled. And I regret it!
The I-50 was gorgeous sounding. And it had just that touch of warmth you are seeking. Based on your description, I suspect it’s exactly what you are looking for. |
@bluethinker thanks for posting about the I-50. I owned a VSI-55 about 15 years ago and was wondering about the I-50. Does anyone know what's been done to "upgrade" this amp to the newest addition? I found the VSI a little cool, perhaps the Op did too if he's moved on.
I don't see an impedance curve on the Pure Audio site. Anyone that claims high efficiency in my mind should post such information. Instead they say "effortless and dynamic sonic performances with any amplification." That's usually misleading an expensive for people to find, but maybe I missed this information.
Keep us posted good thread. |
Scroll all the way down to the end of the page and you'll find:
I am running an http://www.triodelab.com/ 2A3EVO amp and really love it, my speakers are 97db efficient which is equivalent to PAP Trio. The mid range is magical and it has a nice quick/tight bass. I don't listen loud. I have had it for 2 years and it is the first amp I have had where I have no desire to change, yet.... I was trading emails with Ze'ev (PAP owner) and he said he uses a 2A3 Set amp as part of voicing the speaker. I am considering the same speaker with the horn when finances allow. Good Luck |