12au7 tube?

Looking for a good 12au7 (JJ ecc802s currently). I know the Telefunken ECC802s is the holy grail, but it comes at a price that is just too steep for me to justify. Many will recommend Mullard, but I always find them a bit too "wooly", lacking in definition. They're going in a Mastersound 845 Compact.


What tubes would you recommend that fits between the clarity of the Telefunken (without the price...) and the Mullard? I don't mind spending a bit of money on a pair (let's say max $500 for the pair, prefer to be lower if at all possible).


I suggest thoroughly combing through Brent Jessee's descriptions of 12AU7 tubes or any other tubes for that matter. Depending on your tastes and preferences, you may or may not like the sound profile of the German brands. Telefunkens and the other German tubes are more stark and less warm than the Dutch, Belgan, French and British sound.

Re: current production Gold Lion and Tung Sol tubes, I find that the Gold Lions are tilted toward the upper mid range and highs and that the Tung Sol tubes are tilted the other way, more toward the mid bass and bass.

Unfortunately, current production tubes just can't match the abilities of NOS tubes and there are NOS tubes available that can be had for the same cost or even less than the better current production tubes.

I also suggest to sticking to the better tube suppliers such as Brent Jessee instead of buying on the "open market". My results on "open market" buys have been a mixed bag that were mostly disappointing.

And all things being equal, pick up a current production Gold Lion 12AU7, an excellent reference tube to judge all others, NOS and current production, based on my experience with the 12AX7.

Thanks everyone. I have a bunch of tubes incoming. Radiotechnique, Genalex Gold Lion, Brimar, Amperex.

i don't know how good they are, but, a local dealer helped to sell off a very valuable collection of tubes.  Included in the collection were something like eight original Genelex  B749 tubes (12AU7 variant).  These sold for north of $1,000 each.  

@audiojan Thanks everyone. I have a bunch of tubes incoming. Radiotechnique, Genalex Gold Lion, Brimar, Amperex.

That's the way to do it.  Do some nice pair comparisons, select a few vintage you like, and a few new/re-issue tubes to play when you like. Then store off the keepers and sell off the stuff that's just okay or does not gel well with your system so much. yes