@mitch2-- Thank you. I am impressed with your knowledge and experience regarding DACs.
@fasrfreight-- Thanks, I just purchased the Optical Rendu a few weeks ago, mainly because the Hegel H390 had a low res network input (DSD64 only) and the Rendu would permit me to use the USB input. There seemed to be a pretty noticeable improvement in the SQ and I've been happy with it. My Roon Core is on an iMac Pro, not a MacBook Pro and the only app running on is the Roon Core. Nonetheless, I agree that a dedicated server would be an improvement. I could go the SGC SonicTransport route but I'm just not feeling that. I know a lot of people are happy with the ST/OR combo. In researching other servers or server/streamer devices, I'm finding the OR to be redundant and its inclusion seems to limit the choices for dedicated servers. Yet, the idea of abandoning it so soon after buying is disagreeable. Can you or anyone recommend a server (other than SGC ST) that would improve the digital front end as well as make use of the OR? What about an Innuos Zen Mini MK3 ? Also, what is it about optical that causes you not to be a fan?