Qobuz and Chandos

I am a Classical Music listener and today all of my Favorite Chandos recordings are no longer found. Anyone have any info on what’s going on? 


Try contacting Chandos. They sold out to somebody so you might have Google around. Hopefully it’s a temporary disruption.

Score another point for Physical Media

. Edit-I just looked it up. Chandos was sold to Naxos in 2024.  Naxos and Qobuz apparently work with each other.  My guess is that the Chandos catalog is being integrated somehow into the Naxos catalog and will ultimately reappear 

I haven't checked labels on it, but you might check out Idagio for a classical streaming service.  Not hi-rez, though, if that is important to you.

Chandos has miraculously reappeared this evening. Don’t know what happened but all listings are back

Qobuz sent me a message  a couple of weeks ago that the links to some albums in people's Favorites had disappeared, but not to worry they'd have it fixed within 72 hours.  I still have some Favorites that say "Album Not Found" when I try to open them, so they didn't make the 72 hour deadline, but maybe they'll get it all fixed before too long.