LP shipping

I'm not going to name any names, yet, but I just gotta get this off my chest.....

I ordered the HIFI News test LP along with the DB protractor from a well known source. These people just placed the LP in a box with some foam peanuts and their shipping label trash along with the protractor. No media mail packaging, nothing. Shipped it via USPS to Texas. It's over 100 frickin' degrees here. USPS put the box in a mail box in our apt complex, and it sat in there until I got home from work. Needless to say, the LP ain't mirror flat as it should be..... WTF?????
Maybe the record wasn't mirror flat before it was shipped (probably). Well, you could either send it back for another try, or get a vacuum table, or a VPI with a peripheral weight and a spindle weight. I live in Arizona and store my records in the un-airconditioned garage where it frequently gets to 115 degrees (but its a dry heat). Anyway...I have lived here now for about 4 months and have no warpage problems.

I strongly suggest you bring your LPs inside ASAP!! We are getting to the time of year when we will actually get some humidity. I have been in Az for 21 years and records will warp in this weather - especially in the August/September time period. Just a suggestion.
I doubt it was mirror flat to begin with, but...... who the heck packs LP's for shipping that way? Well, we know of one source that does.......

The VPI is somewhat tempting, still not sure about the unipivot..... so is a Sota non-vacuum. I say non-vacuum because the pump would have to be in the room........ totally non-WAF...... :)

Regardless of the heat, if they didn't put it in a proper LP shipping box then their packaging was insufficient to protect the goods. Any company that ships LPs on a regular basis would know that. I would definitely ask for a replacement.
