questions for TW Acustic Raven One owner

what is the characteristic of this table? in many of the reviews I've read, TW Acoustic tables seems to have a rich, dark, full sound that is very romantic and musical.
How does your bass sound? is it tight and punchy?

Please clarify if you're using a mat, as I think this is important info.

Thanks in advanced!

yes rich, dark, full sound. it also depends on your cartridge & tonearm , phono stage of choice. it can be anything in the end just depending on your chain.
You can add quiet to that list of description of the R1.
No matt for me.
My Raven AC1 has been with me for a month but I reckon I may at best have 20 to 30 hrs of play time. So take what I have to say with oodles of salt. No changes in the rest of my vinyl chain : Transfiguration Orpheus L cart, Triplanar VII U2, Nagra VPS phonostage with the cart aligned using a Mint LP. The TW replaced a 3 year old Michell Orbe. Initially I was underwhelmed. The TW has more muscle and body and the bass is tight but it seemed to lack the top end air and sparkle of the Orbe. Over the past few days the one thing that is really noticeable is that musical notes have longer sustain and decay and there is an organic wholeness to the music that has got me seriously grinning. I have a 20 year old copy of Dire Straits - Commuique, not in great condition. No exaggeration, or perhaps a minor one,the hair on my arms was standing.
I use the supplied mat with the fuzzy side below. It was way superior to no mat or the fuzzy side up.
If you have any specific queries send me a mail for my 2 cents worth.
I will be using the R1 with ZYX airy 3 cart., Morch DP 6 arm, and Tom Evans the Groove phono. My cart and phono are extremely detailed and high resolution, this combo borders on brightness at times in which I've already tamed with my cabling. I think the R1 will fit in nicely since it has a warmer signature, mushy is not what I'm looking for. Just hoping the bass will remain tight and solid. More comments welcomed!