PS Perfect wave power cord

What are your thoughts about this perfect wave series of power cables?

Desalvo55, don't even bother with the Lessloss cord. I have the Lessloss DFPC non signature and some Morrow Audio MAP3's. I just recieved the AC12 and it has been in the system for 24 hours and I have not experienced another power cord that is close to this one. MAP3 is lean compared to the AC12 and the Lessloss sounds muffled to me.
I would say the AC12 has an excellent full body midrandge with good inner detailing and the top end is nice and open. I bought this used and was told that it had a couple hundred of hours on it. Very nice power cord!
Now that my AC12 is fully broken in I find my system in a most amazing place. I'm constantly surprised at how much the incoming AC affects the sound.

I had the AC10 on loan and liked it a lot but wouldn't pull the trigger until I heard the AC12. The AC12 proves to be a winner in my system. Additionally, I have a Furutech receptacle which I've been enjoying then recently picked up a Porter Port receptacle since so much positive feedback was written about this low cost alternative. I really didn't warm up to it. It seemed to rob my system of its snap and focus. I may not have been patient enough to leave it in the system so now it's burning in on my sub circuit. Discovering that these damn receptacles have such a significant sound of their own I bought a Tesla Plex.


It was almost spooky how it further unraveled the musical event what I thought was already considerably unraveled. More 3 dimensionality, more air, and the soundstage moved forward which on my MBL's I would have thought impossible. Not just that but the definition of the bass which has been a bit of an issue did indeed improve.

With regards to AC I think have a winning combination.

Dedicated circuit;
20amp breaker
10awg cryo'd romex
Dedicated ground
Tesla Plex
PS Audio AC12
Power Plant Premier
I am going through the burn-in of the AC 12, On my amp it sounds fine but switch it to the source CD or Preamp and like all the above comments the sounds is just weird, mid bass missing, highs sizzle, mids thin and grainy.

I have about 30 hours on the cord. I may switch it to the Plasma TV for burn-in or just leave it on my amp for a few months.

300 hours is a long time for me.

I love my Lessloss Signatures, sounded good right away and got better in a few weeks. I will see on the AC-12 progresses.

I like to use it on my preamp with the Lessloss on the CD/SACD player and the other on the amp.
right now i've got lessloss on my intergrated and entry level ps audio on my cdp, which sounds pretty good, and now thinking about upgrading to perfect wave, just which one is good for cdp? my cdp is esoteric, with my cheap xstream punch, it kind of takes off the nasty glare of the treble(it replaced audience power chord e), hence considering higher PS Audio PC, my other question is, are high end PA PC like AC10 and AC12 flexible? My hi-fi rack has about 3ft clearance to the wall, so i worry about not able to keep it securely plugged in or damaged the cord with too much bending.