Your Advice on a good HT receiver

I want to have a good HT receiver for my speaker system : Martin Logan Aeon front speaker , B&W HTM center , Bose 301 rear. I want to have good 2 chanel amplification and nice Doldy digital and DTS HT receiver for less than 1300$ used or new.
Thanks for all your reponse. Can I plug my martin Logan with the outlaw even if my martin logan are 4 ohm?
The receiver has a 4/8 ohm switch, which is a current limiter, telling me it may be a bit challenged by tough loads. With dips to 1.3 ohms, I would NOT try to run them full-range and loud, but you may get away with having a sub taking the low frequencies off it. I'd suggest you send them an email or post a question over at the Outlaw Saloon (discussion forum on their website) to get an accurate informed response.

If you have a speaker system like the Martin Logan Aeons as your fronts, then I would have to concur with one of the other posters that has posted here. Nothing less than one of the top Marantz models will do for this application. Though hopefully, those Boses will be disposed of pretty soon, I hope. But being that the M/Ls tend to be difficult to drive, I would just as soon buy a good mid priced A/V Receiver with "pre-outs" for the two front channels and then just buy a good stereo amp to drive the M/L when you are listening to music, and then use the A/V Receiver itself to drive the center and surround channels when you are watching movies. Let's see if that works????

Dis,FORGET!!! any recommendations for mid fi recievers from Denon,Marantz,Onkyo etc.. and follow the advice of Questforsound from 11/15/01 and JUST BUY A NEW CARVER C1000A !!! I bought one on Ebay for $1100.00 delivered and it ABSOLUTELY KILLS every receiver under $3000.00 out there and comes so close to besting the B&K AVR307 that my buddy who owns one almost cried when we put my new Carver into his system and I told him how much I paid for it.Okay so it does not process as many formats as ALL the mid fi receivers out there,you still get DD,DTS & matrixed 6.1 surround and you get enough POWER to make your ML's & B&W SING along with refined,delicate,dynamic HOLOGRAPHIC 2 channel listening! Make sure you get the latest version C1000A.Check out Ebay & Audiogon & you'll find a great deal and you won't be sorry!I look forward to hearing your final decision.Enjoy.
I am thinking about doing the same thing in a HT down the road...many have recommended