Multi-Channel Music: SSP/PrePro with Time Delay?..

I'm looking for a SSP/PrePro that offers Time Delay adjustment for the surround channels (due to space restrictions for SL & SR). Budget is not an issue at this point. Does one exist? Thanks.
Anthem AVM20. Can adjust in feet, meters or millisecounds. Also, crosover frequency is adjustable.

Good luck,
I thought that time delay was standard issue for all multichannel stuff. My Rotel 1066 has it, as does the Pioneer DV45A and Denon 2900 players that I have. However, no such adjustment is implemented for SACD. Why? Go ask Sony.
I agree, it is standard issue on every Pre/Pro I have seen. Eldart, thats curious my lowly DVP-NS900v has distance delay on every channel, SACD included. Does the newer 999ES not have this? Or Denons 2900?
Distortion...Are you sure? I had the impression that the SACD spec did not allow for this feature. It does seem that delay of the signal would be technically difficult if it is not in PCM (word) format.I will look into it some more.