Multi-Channel Music: SSP/PrePro with Time Delay?..

I'm looking for a SSP/PrePro that offers Time Delay adjustment for the surround channels (due to space restrictions for SL & SR). Budget is not an issue at this point. Does one exist? Thanks.
Anthem AVM20. Can adjust in feet, meters or millisecounds. Also, crosover frequency is adjustable.

Good luck,
I thought that time delay was standard issue for all multichannel stuff. My Rotel 1066 has it, as does the Pioneer DV45A and Denon 2900 players that I have. However, no such adjustment is implemented for SACD. Why? Go ask Sony.
I agree, it is standard issue on every Pre/Pro I have seen. Eldart, thats curious my lowly DVP-NS900v has distance delay on every channel, SACD included. Does the newer 999ES not have this? Or Denons 2900?