Double up on Kimber Kable 4TC??

My old setup required extra-long runs of speaker cable (Kimber 4TC). My new setup allows for much shorter runs between electronics and speakers, so I cut the long runs in half. Can I use two sets of this cable on top and bottom?
Actually, I'm already doing it (4 cables per speaker: biwired with two pair on each set of binding posts). Although the sound is, IMHO, great, I was wondering if utilizing this method is a mistake due to some specific reasons that only you truly informed audiophiles would know about!

Your advice.

Yes, in effect, you are now running 8TC, especially if you have twisted the runs together. I have done this in single wire configuration with one double run of 4TC on one speaker and a single run of 8TC on the other, twisting the double run of 4TC, and I can hear no difference between one speaker and the other. If you do a search at Audioasylum, there are posters there who feel that double runs of 4TC not twisted (simply run in parallel) outperform regular 8TC, but I have no experience with that and can't comment.

In any event, I'm sure you will be fine.