What after the old CD player? CDP, SACD or DVD-a?

I am not current with the "format wars," so what would be the wisest suggestion? Another CDP, SACD or DVD-a. What is the news on the "front", who is winning? Thanks!

I agree with Tim. I am also putting my money into redbook CD. I'm hoping this will still end up being the ultimate standard. Neverless, I still am not ready to replace all my redbook for whatever. Then again, There is always vinyl, but we won't go there. Unfortunately, you don't have the new releases.
Hybrid discs is where it's at. High resolution formats are continuing to make inroads.

It doesn't matter that who will win the "Format Wars". Whatever the winner is, it will be replace in a few years. As I see it, the SACD already reaching the middle of its product life cycle. It is a dieing format. Something newer or better(they claim) is coming very soon and kick the SACD out of this planet.
In my Audiophile Club, not a single member switching to SACD. They are all waiting and waiting to see what is happening and still waiting.................................
So the best thing that everyone should do while still waiting and waiting.... are to explore the LP analog play back system. With a excellent LP analog player set-up(with Hi-End cartridge and tonearm) and listen to a 50 cents(like the Oscar Peterson - We get request) LP that you pick-up in a garage sale. I don't think you will ever go back to anything digital again. It happens to me already ....and you might be the next lucky one!
I think it depends on what price bracket you are in. At the super high end, sticking with CD's may be the thing. But as you creep down the scale, to me it makes sense to get an SACD player with digital out for the CD's--the SACD's are great, the multi channel ones are unbelievable. There is no need to REPLACE your old collection of CD's, but if you get a player that plays both, you can sample the new format and if it fails you haven't invested that much. Sony SACD players are what I have in mind here
I was interested in SACD and DVD-A when the formats came out, thinking the redbook standard was so aged that we were due for an upgrade. I looked into the software availability and found the selection was limited and almost exclusively classical and jazz recordings. I decided since the source material wasn't really to my tastes I'd wait and see how things developed. I re-looked at the SACD offerings lately, expanded library and plenty of stuff I'd consider buying but...the SACD's are three times the price of redbook CD's. Buy some JVC XRCD releases, listen to some records, and wait out the storm.