what are your favorite movie soundtracks.

I am looking to get into more movie soundtracks that sound that survive musically without the movie. I am not interested in soundtracks a that take a bunch of pop offerings a that are basically a collection of pop hits/songs but are origional soundtrack recordings that can be listened to all by themselves.

Some that I have tried with various amounts of successs are Glory, Schindler's List, Dances with Wolves, and Murder in the First.

I do not care for opera, rap or country but everything else is an open book.
Some great selections so far. I also like
1) The Hot Spot on 45rpm vinyl
2) Emerald Forest - on vinyl
3) Gladiator
Brideshead Revisited. The film was mediocre (compared to the BBC TV production) but the score is brilliant and moving.

Also, of course, The Piano. Michael Nyman is an illustrious contemporary composer of sophisticated but listenable quasi-classical music.

Last, The Mission. Very exciting. Great audio audition CD as well.

"The Pawnbroker", great Quincy Jones jazz score.
"On The Waterfront", Leonard Bernstein score. What else need be said?