When does speaker distortion become audible?

I recently got some seas excel speakers and when I fired them up for the first time I thought to myself "wow, there's no distortion".

I find this interesting because I never really thought I was hearing any distortion from my previous speakers but maybe I was, and just didn't pick up on it until now.

Interesting side note, I think my personal speaker taste is moving towards less analytical, super detailed sound to a more musical, tone based preference (I think I'm becoming less tone deaf, lol).
Gvsale, not only is there the issue of our memory over time, but if we are not comparing speakers in the same setup/system then the entire "apples to apples" assumption is lost. Then one can only make a generalized statement regarding the comparison. But still, I assert that the differences are so fundamental, so great that one can obtain shall we say a tentative conclusion in regard to performance of differing speakers until such time one might be able to compare directly, if ever.

Imo audiophiles who have not heard a great number of speakers, i.e. dozens to hundreds, have less understanding of this gulf in performance which exists in speakers. As Gvasale says, when moving from one to another rig in a different location it is not as apparent as when hearing several speakers in one setting. Shows are great for revealing such differences in performance, even though on different systems.

I am still amazed after 30 years in audio at how much variance is possible between different brands and technologies of speakers. It seems there is a speaker (house sound/technology) for nearly every ear out there! (It's just a matter of finding it!) :)
Usually when a speaker is overdriven.

Speakers may also be more victims than cause of most other forms of noticeable distortion that may also be way more common and also harder to diagnose and correct when present.
Wc: Way over simplified. There are still lots of people who haven't experienced "better sound" from what their tv or table radio offered. They would't kow what distortion sounded like if they fell over on it.
Mapman, you put my question in better perspective and I should have mentioned sonething about it in the original post, but thats what I was trying to understand, if distortion is audible when listening at low volumes and when a speaker WASN''T being over driven or anywhere near being overdriven.

My paradigms always seemed to have good highs, a little bright and somewhat (too?) revealing, but when I hooked up some speakers with seas excel drivers the treble seemed to tighten up (for a lack of better description). It seems like there was alot more hiss or overhang or distortion?, I don't know, thats why I am asking you guys...

Oh, and what about metal domes vs. silk? All my other speakers had metal, these are silk, maybe less tizz or something?