tube amps with El 34s your favorites ??

Just wondering, what EL34 based tube amps stick out in your mind as being musical, fun to listen to etc...any, old, doesn't matter...any thoughts ?
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Dynaco Mk4, Dynaco Stereo 70, Wolcott Presence 220 mono's, AirTight ATM-3, VTL MB125 to name a few.

The EL34 tube has been a favorite of audiophiles for about half a century. Many fine amp designs with this tube find their way into music lovers systems.
I'm right now listening to a fantastic sounding EL34 based custom pushpull amp made by Deja Vu Audio. It's easily one of the best amps I've ever heard!
I hold a special place in my heart for the Conrad Johnson CAV 50. Coupled with the Totem Model 1 signatures, it delivers a beautiful, organic, fast, wide soundstage and lush sound. Works wonders with acoustic material and voices. I understand it is out of production but still can be found second hand (audiogon).
Conrad Johnson MV-55, this is one musical amp, wonderful midrange. I simply can't bring myself to sell it, so it continues to wander between the main system and bedroom systems.