SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you
have you considered the hybrid BAT 300x-SE integrated? The tubed preamp section is wonderful. Best integrated I've heard/owned. No pure SS amp has come close...the tubes in the preamp section will last a long time so maintenance is not a huge issue...
I'd still check out Red Wine Audio. A Pass or Boulder integrated will give you a whole different experience, but will be more pricey, but they're also rather more linear than what it seems you've tried. Assuming your Merlins are like my Merlins then they can easily handle a more neutral amp. They'll also respond well to a amp that has a great grip. Since last year, I've upgraded my amp to a Plinius SA-Reference (just because) and I have *never* heard Merlins with this much bass power. It's crazy. My two subwoofers are now sitting completely idle, off in a corner and gathering dust.

Here's another thought. What cables are you using? If you're using the Merlin recommended Cardas, I humbly submit that perhaps you're not doing yourself any favors, esp. if you're not satisfied with the bass response of the speakers/amp combo.
For an integrated in your case, I would want to investigate the Blue Circle option.

Or if a pre-amp and mono blocks are an option I'd second the TAD hibachi amp recommendation and pair it with a good pre-amp of your choice.

socrates7 .. i am using all cardas golden reference (power cord,interconnect,speaker wire).any other thoughts..I DO HAVE A BASS ISSUE ...less BASS....I WILL BE HAPPY IF ITS 15% MORE

i had tried red wine audio integrated long was giving a very relaxed presentation..may be what i tried was with less power didn't go for it

which pass amp xa 30.5 or int 150 ?
will reserch on plinius sa reference...8150 was good but it was pushing the sound too much for my liking, opposite of the red wine audio i tried

will have a look on BAT integrated too

a highly experenced merlin owner suggested BELLES, BELL, BLUEcircle

@ Masilu,

I too use Belles. Currently have the Belles 150A Reference amp fed by a Bel Canto SEP2 tubed preamp (no longer in production). Love the combination.