I think you stumbled onto something here that comes up often on other threads. Namely, that people who have been in the business all their lives on the "pro" side of the equation get a chance to hear something that only "auidophiles" would consider listening to, and lo and behold, it sounds great. Who would have thought?
It never fails to depress me when the "pros" chime in and say something can't sound better due to ________ and when they finally get a chance to hear that something, they like it.
Nothing like an epiphany. Thanks for getting the word out.
All the best,
It never fails to depress me when the "pros" chime in and say something can't sound better due to ________ and when they finally get a chance to hear that something, they like it.
Nothing like an epiphany. Thanks for getting the word out.
All the best,