Which musician retired too soon?

There are a number of people who used to record and who people enjoyed that are no longer out there for one reason or another. People like Syd Barret or Cat Stevens come to mind.

I know there are a lot of people that I wish had retired, but who would you like to have seen continue in the music industry, that left already?
I began to wonder how many people are still out there recording and touring, but getting no help from the various labels. I know Arlo Guthrie is in Door County on a regular basis. Who else is still touring that I don't know anything about them?!?
Boa2 makes a good point but please allow me one more indulgence. I don't know if Stevens (Yusef Islam) is a Shiite, Sunni, or Sufi (I think the other two sects have pretty much wiped out the Sufis) but why on earth embrace a religion where your own "soul mates" will kill you for disagreeing with them?

As far as not hearing from the Taliban anymore - don't tell that to the 400,000+ dead in Sudan as Muslims from Syria, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, Eygyt, and Sudan attempt to make a Taliban society there. Taliban is very active in Pakistan and Chechnya, also. Many Chechnyans (sp?) are fighting hard to establish a Taliban style government.

Anyway, did someone say Peter Green was recording again?
Ahhhh, Tomryan - Soul mates eh? - checked on all the happy times between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland lately? Plenty of other non-muslim religious zealots who seem to feel it's OK to kill and maim in the name of ___(pick one)from what I see.

On the other hand, in North America it's possible to GAIN countless millions by following religious convictions - check out Sunday morning TV.
A few years back, I saw Richie Havens in a small club. He was wonderful, such a glorious voice. He's out touring, and I wish I could see him on the 8th of October at the Eureka Springs (AK) folk festival. That is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
Christians are constantly criticized, ridiculed, and denigrated in public, on TV, in movies, newspapers, music, etc. Not one of those who do it regularly (George Carlin, Bill Maher, etc, etc.) is in any danger from the hapless people they attack. However, even Hooper believes you'd better not do the same to Islam or you get get your head cut off, shot five times and stabbed multiple times in the chest, blown up at work or in your hotel, etc.

When was the last time you heard of a Buddist or "Hindu" going crazy (by the thousands) and killing people who spoke against them? More people were killed in Muslims riots protesting what they thought was someone's desecration of their holy book in two days than have been killed in Christian riots in Ireland in the last 3 years.

How about those crazy Catholics who rioted, killed people, and burned down buildings after finding out an "artist" had pissed on their crucifix? Oh wait, that never happened...

Hmmm, same thing when another "artist" threw manure on their holy Mother. And when was the last time an Irishman tried to murder a thousand Americans because we are good friends with England? And how about all those crazy Serbs who've been committing terrorist attacks in our country since we bombed them for 6 weeks 7 years ago? Oh wait a minute - none of this has happened!

All religious and ethical philosophies are not the same and this is even more true than all speakers are not the same.