Is it wrong?

I should disclose that I’m feeling a little relaxed right now, thanks in part to a few Knob Creeks. Okay, that being said, on with the post: I started flipping through some ancient CD’s. You know the ones, CD’s that you forgot you even have, and I ran across a Patrick O’Hearn CD titled “Indigo”. Well, I popped it in the tray and I’m loving it. I think they used to call this stuff "space music”. I also seem to remember people poking fun at this type of music. I guess what I want to know is: Is it beneath my dignity to be enjoying this so much? I’m really having a ball!
Anything that brings joy to someone without bringing harm to another is worth doing. Enjoy!
Hearts of Space, Windham Hill, Andreas Vollenweider, some Vangelis - it's all musically valid and even interesting. I love new age, particularly early stuff where artists were still inventing the genre. I love it enough that I started my own Windham Hill Records discography blog.

It's funny, I consider myself a jazz fan first, and l listen to a lot of electronica these days, but I felt like Windham Hill wasn't getting the attention it deserves.

So you didn't like the Patrick O'Hearn when you got it. Sometimes we grow into music. There's plenty of music that I didn't appreciate as a teen/twenties that I now love at twice that age.
I suggest you immediately make an appointment for a bit of psychotherapy ,you clearly need help !!!!!!!! :)
I think to post your issues on the internet to a bunch of strangers is a clear sign of desperation. My suggestion is to bottle up your feelings til something breaks!


I heard some Vangelis the other day and enjoyed it. I will look into Patrick O'Hearn...