Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments

I will start this off. 1975 Jethro Tull concert at the Seattle Center Coliseum. About midway through the show an M-80 goes off in the crowd in the middle of a song and Ian Anderson holds his hand up in the air and counts to three with his fingers and the band stops playing in mid measure all at once as though some one had flipped a switch. The whole place goes dead quiet for about 15 seconds or so. Anderson says something like "Well, that was bloody ******* RUDE! If you want us to keep playing then you better cut that crap right out and have a little more respect for your NEIGHbor. Do you really want us to play some more?". The crowd slowly starts to applaud and then it builds to a crescendo. As the applause starts to die down, Anderson holds his hand up in the air, counts out loud to three and the band cuts back in full force absolutely mid-measure where they left off.

When the song ended I have never heard such intense applause in any arena or hall for any song at any show. I was completely dumb struck by how Anderson handled the situation and by the musicianship of the whole outfit. Maybe it was a staged event, but I doubt it. Either way, it was really something else...
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Around 1972 Keith Jarrett was at the Milwaukee Performing Arts Center doing a impromptu solo piano concert. Prior to his coming on stage there was an announcement that said Mr. Jarrett does not want any pictures being taken while he is playing. About an hour into the concert Jarrett was really into a beautiful piece, (much like music from his Koln concert), when some person snaps a flash bulb. Jarrett stopped playing immediately, put both hands to his side, shook his head in disgust, then pushed himself away from the piano. The place was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. He stayed that way for about 4 minutes. He finally got back to playing but the concert was different after that.
Jppenn: the actions of a neurotic primadonna under the pretense of genius. What a crock.

Yeah, I know, he is a good pianist. So what. Like we never had one before?

But to hell with him and that tired old act. He squats on the pot just like the rest of us. ....the nerve...
I have another Kieth Jarrett story:
I had a front row seat to a concert with Kieth in a trio setting with Jack Dejohnette on drums and Dave Holland (maybe not sure) on upright bass, in Princeton NJ early 90's forgot which year... Interesting to note, bass player using a Cello amp...
Anyway, just as concert is beginning, it's DEAD quiet, then, somebody waaay up high in far back starts making some weird sick, loud moaning noises.. like a mental patient or something.. Kieth and everyone else turns
around looking like, 'what the HELL???' and looking around for the source of 'outburst'. Keith says something like, 'excuse me? we'd like to begin now..' and that was it. Rest of performance was undisturbed.
my best and worst concert moments came on consecutive days

best-i traveled with a good friend of mine to see the black crowes on consecutive nights in richmond virginia at a club called the national,we traveled from the northwestern pa area so it was about 400 miles one way for us,quite a long drive but it was to see one of our favorite artists,when we arrived in richmnond we checked into our hotel so that we didnt have to try and find it after the show in an unfamiliar area,by the time we got to the club the line hadnt started yet so we were the first in line,within an hour two very attractive girls were the first to join the line behind us,it was great having 2 attractive black crowes loving girls to share 5 plus hours of conversation with us before the doors opened,when we finally got into the club the four of us went directly into the front row center since we had general admission tickets

the black crowes were amazing,they all looked liked they were having a good time and rich even managed to smile a few times throughout the set,they played for a solid 2 hours and the setlist was great as i had hoped and it turned out to be one of the better times that i had seen them,howlin rain was the opening band and when we got back to our hotel they were standing out in front of the lobby,after a few minutes of chatting with them the bass player and keyboardist came up to our room to hang out and party with us,it was the perfect ending to an already great day

worst-the very next day was pretty much the same as the first although we had met the 2 girls from the day before for a local bbq lunch before we all got in line again,we went in and again were in the front row center,i only had managed to make it through the first 2-3 songs before i had to go and find my seat because of an over indulgence of pain medication,i missed most of the set that night except for the last song or so,i was very angry with myself because i havent done something that stupid in well over 10 years

i will hopefully make up for it in detroit on dec 5th,ive got general admission tickets to see the black crowes again with the same friend and i will be leaving my pain medication at home this time,live and learn