best high efficiency speakers for under 3 grand

In your learned opinions,what are the best sounding high efficiency speakers (say greater than 92db) that sell for less than three grand?
You should look into some of the models by Triangle. They are a French speaker maker and are highly regarded. They are very efficient,about 92db, and they are not horn loaded. Work best with tube equipment. I own the Triangle Celius ESW and am very happy with them. They were also rated very highly in Stereophile by Sam Tellig.

Completely rebuilt Dynaco ST 70 Triode...done by a fellow named Will Vincent.
Any of the Decware, Parker audio speakers, or Hornshoppe horns are all under 3k brand new.
It's hard to beat a slightly used ZU AAudio Druid speakers 101 DB - they can be had for $1800-2200