Help me solve static electricity problem

Lately I keep sending my Classe Amp and/or conrad-johnson preamp into protection mode simply by touching anything in my system. A loud pop goes through my speakers and it's very, very disconcerting. I'm smart enough to try to touch something metal before touching my rack, but this does not always work. Apparently I'm not smart enough to solve this condundrum, though. Any ideas????
Wear NOTHING or only 100% cotton clothing(including socks) when playing with your stereo system.
avoid a wool rug if you have one in your listening room.If the air is dry use a humidifier and possibly place plants in the room. The clothing that you wear might contribute. You can also do what Lon Channey Jr did in the movie man made monster!He wore a rubber suit.
It is because of the air being so dry in your home. I use a ultrasonic humidifier in the winter when it is really dry. Get one without the replaceable filter if possible. I also touch the side of the stand before I touch one of my components, just to make sure there is no static charge in my hand. A number of years ago I sent my preamp into protection mode and it would not come out. I had to send it in for repair. Since then I have been far more careful.
Someone in the past posted on constructing a was a brass door knob and resistor connected to ground. I think the resistor was just to prevent pain when you touched it. I ran some lamp wire to a ground on my APC power conditioner. I touch the bare end of the wire before touching any equipment. I can feel a tiny shock but nothing unbearable. Hope that is useful. Maybe you can find that older post. It's a bit more sophisticated than what I'm doing.
I agree with Al- a static shock should not cause your system to go into protection. My guess is something else is wrong.

Where I live low RH is just a fact of life in the winter, and even though I run 3 humidifiers shocks happen regularly. All of my electronic components have recieved several shocks and I have never heard any pops or had any problems with them.
