What would you buy next?

Here's where I am at so far:
Mcintosh MC352
Tyler Acoustics PD-80's with built in sub amps
Monster 2100 power conditioner/powerbar
Mainly Monster IC's and speaker cable
Behringer DEQ2496
Harmon Kardon AVR7200
Harmon Kardon DVD25
Toshiba 72mx195 DLP HDTV

Due to lack of funds I have been using the HK AVR as a preamp and the DVD player as a CD player. The sound is a little forward unless I tame it with the EQ. I don't want to worry about any room treatment for now because I am moving in July. For the biggest sound improvement, which would you replace first, pre or source?

I listen to almost everything and like a warm sound. I am hoping you will all agree to replace the DVD with a CD player first simply because it will be less expensive. I am thinking tubes for the preamp when I do the swap.

Any suggestions?
Thank you.

Larry H
What is your room like? Have you investigated what some modest room treatment will do? The addition of some RealTraps, or equivalent, don't cost much, and make a noticeable difference in performance.
Perhaps not as exciting as a new piece of equipment, but you may be selling your existing system, and any further improvements you make, short, without giving the room some attention.
I'm not familliar with the Behring but assume this is your controlcenter and EQ?Just know that I sold mac for a few years and the jump from the MC300 to 353 was really nice since you had true balanced amp sounded muchbeter.If you can swing a new/used 2200 glass pre it's a PIP.Only weakness is phono but you didn't mention that and god help if you start LP collecting now (prices being what they asre).You could get either a Mac or other surround sound but you'd have to let us know budget and how into surrounbd you are i.e. how much time or how you value it.For me regular 5.1 with a decent sub or even a good HTIB (Home theatre in a box) is good enouigh becaus I like HT but really value the 2 channel componets more.Render unto Ceasar and all that I say.To me even mediorcre HT sound fine but muisc is where the rubber (or your budget dollar) hits the road.Others of course disagree and in the main more folks than not are trying to get equal quality.But given your amp and speakers that would be expensive.Good digital has goten really much better with up sampling etc.Dfhalyecko has a point about synergy between that Mac player but many have good op-amp for direct digital or analogue connection.Gert cables and tube traps or other room treatments to correct hard/soft component sound or room reflection problems.Frosting on finished cake.
Hey Whart, I just had a look at your system (and car) ...VERY nice indeed, good for you !!! We should hang out, I'll drive...alright you can drive.

As for my system, it seems insignificant all of a sudden. I'll have to come back to that later.