whats wrong with ebay?

Ebay seems to be having major problems - they "lost" a dispute I opened on a guy (which I had to redo)He had 4 negative(out of 5) feedbacks - he bid high a pair of speakers that he had no intention of buying - He sent me a profanity laced e-mail when I sent him a invoice and he also sent me another one when he left the neg. feedback taunting me about it -ebay let the guy leave negative feedback on my perfect account and said they cant do anything about it - I've sent a couple of emails to ebay(after finding the buried email link) with no response from them except that they cant do anything about the feedback. anyone else have a problem like this?
The problem has become rampant either buying or selling. People have tried to steal my money on 3 occassions but because I used paypal persistence and calling them incapable of comprehending ansimple problem along ewith the vulgarity of the offender gets you your money.. I have a new one now some real idiot who didn't take pay pal , first sign I should have just stopped there and waited a very long time for me to get a certified money order cashheer postal ckeck in a cage. Was the second, he sold me atube tester for a lower than average price that all non paypal sellersget. He reassured inummerable timeshe had check the machine withis that and a calibration 6L6 tube and it worked great. No it does not because the only vital test I need is gm and is the test button it is worn out and broken.He claims the carrier must have knocked sometthing loose and he says if I send it backtohim for a refund and he once again finds it works he keeps the cash, SoI said let me do exactly what you did and I'll see for myself. Haven't heard from him in a while now!
Still I am shit out of luck short of having him summoned to court which I can't attend. Your recourses are proving this isd a pattern of behavior or if your damages are in excessof 100Grand differs from state to state before all of those taxpayer agencies will bother to even look into it.

I Call the corporate numbers if I get the turn you of robots find them in stock profiles googling the company) a
PS: The Paypal account also protects you on the buyer side. You sometimes get recourse through Paypal and secondly as a backup if you use a credit card.

So I usually require Paypal for the stuff I sell, and mostly only bid on things I can pay with Paypal. There is so much stuff on eBay all the time, an item you want will usually be there again if you pass on one that seems fishy.
The strength of Ebay is the vast selection of hard to get items. The weakness is the dispute system. I've had a bad experience there too and the indifference that Ebay shows is infuriating.
I had virtually the same experience with an ebay seller. When "they" could not get a reply from the seller, I requested a supervisor from the Disputes Department. Though the entire ordeal took 3 months, when the seller refused to remove his negative feedback on my account, ebay
took it in to their own hands and removed both buyer and seller's feedback.

What I found most useful was to fax (repeatedly) all the documents pertaining to my claim and be doggedly persistent with only one arbitrator, as the opposing party did noting of that nature. Also, like a good lawyer, be absolutely factual in any correspondence and put your claim number on everything. All faxes should go to the same person with a cover letter and a corresponding time line of events-including eBay's mistakes. As a result I still have a perfect feedback score. I wish you all the luck and attending nightmarish persistence. Sfroy
Here's what's WRONG with Fleabay,

A >>court order<< is necessary for REMOVAL of an "accidental" feedback that was intended for a non-buyer (that backed out)

The seller got our monikers mixed by mistake and pushed the button on the keyboard too soon then realized her mistake. She called me and was very apologetic, I understood her part completely.

Here's the stupid part I will NEVER understand.

The seller totally consented "with me" through Ebay and STILL could not get it removed, what a bunch-a-bullsh*t.

I not only lost out on a good pair of concert tickets "locally down the street" but the a-hole that backed out of the sale, received and remains with "my positive" feedback.

When I contacted Ebay I told them "look, I'll take NO feedback with NO words and call it a day" how much more could I bend over ?

My reason, it DRAWS ATTENTION no matter what the situation was, it's the first thing most people look for, the neutrals and negatives, like bad news in the tabloids and usually scares them away.

So, I gather my paper work and correspondences and head to small claims court, how do ya like that ?

Pushing the edit//clear button on the keyboard is a simple procedure for a legitimate case.