Responses from cdc
Sibilance how do I get rid of it? Hi Stehno, if your power conditioning has helped your system, that is great. It simply does not in mine. Based on sound quality, a dedicated power circuit has no effect on my enjoyment of my system.I do not know why you think the light bulb issue ... | |
Sibilance how do I get rid of it? Stehno I did not just "simply calling something a farce does not make it so". I gave a reason for my statement. Further, just look at a circuit panel and you will see there is no electrical isolation between circuits. Or your neighbors refrigerato... | |
Looking for the best audio porn Stay away from Audio Advisor's latest catalog! Sorry to say, but that model makes my eyes hurt. And she's on most every page. I have to put the catalog face down on the table. | |
Pain in my butt Sorry to hear this. I know too many people who have this crippling problem. Hopefully physical therapy and massage can help. Many times problems like this will stabilize over time and problem becomes less. Wish you the best. | |
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi? Subaruguru what amp/CDP/cable combo? Many comments about B&W being bright but that can have a lot to do with other components, room, or music.Triangles aren't bright? Paradigms aren't bright? Von Schweikerts aren't bright? Thiels aren't bright... | |
Sibilance how do I get rid of it? Dedicated circuits for cleaner power are a farce, in my opinion. Here is why I think so.My living room light comes on with the timer tonight. The light bulb blows instantaneously while I'm listening to the stereo and my speakers go "phlam!" Not po... | |
Will t-spades from AP oval 12's fit ? I think you need 1/2" spades. I used some 3/8 and bent them open. There are some 1/2" ring terminals but I couldn't find any 1/2" spades.I had some DH Labs wire where the dealer put on large gold plated spades. They had two widths on the same spad... | |
Can anyone tell me about CD demagnatizers? I agree Gregm and Micheal. This may be what Sean experienced with the Bedini. Also CD liquid treatments should last a year or more. Not 15 minutes. | |
Budget CD / DVD or D/A solution Marantz DR-6050 is $350 or so. Should be up there with the best (IMHO)search for marantz 6050 | |
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi? Aball, what was you pre / amp / and CDP?So what's better than N803 Bigkidz? I'm still searching. Only ATC so far. But if you're into tubes the new Coincident Victory really kicks butt. Or maybe Von Schweikert DB100 (haven't heard them) | |
Bright room, help Steve, I think separates are a waste of money. A top notch tweaked CDP should beat a dual box setup. But they are always many ways to attack a problem and achieve the same results. | |
B&W VS Dynaudio ......... I would first suggest the changing amp as some other people suggest. I think (my opinion - but changes regularly) B&W are more revealing of amplification than they are of themselves.Krell is great with B&W but maybe lacks the interest fact... | |
Upgrade suggestions needed Goodwin's High End sells Karma, Martin Logan, Audio Physics, Dunlavy. They are outside of Boston. Good store, they treated me real well. | |
The return of "Bubble Man" Why not stack 2) 5/8" bubble wraps to get 1 1/4" thick "double bubble"? Bubbliscious! | |
Why bi-wiring is bad That's what I'm initially finding Viggen. With the emphasis on ADEQUATE jumper. |