
Responses from cdc

B&W, Aerial 7B -- my impressions, something off?
I have found very few speakers can match B&W wide dispersion and pinpoint imaging. Only narrow baffle speaker like Audio Physic Virgo 3 were in the same ballpark. Maybe the distance between speakers. Try 8 feet or more apart and sit 8-9 feet a... 
Amplifier class A/B bias question
Elvick, 10% would be 15 watts class A. Probably not - check out the heat sinking on a 30 watt class A Pass amp! 
Circuit Breaker for Dedicated Lines
Town Building official must approve all work. A $20 fee or so.Note that if you do not get approval from the town building inspector and your house burns down to faulty / illegal work, your insurance will not reimburse you for damages.If I had to m... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Some speaker problems cannot be fixed no matter how great the amp / CDP are. For example:Box-induced colorations of the Spendor 1/2.Lack of bass in B&W 303's.Ringing in Virgo III's.Lack of correct harmonics in Revel M-20's.Also I've never hear... 
Loudspeakers that match well w/Bryston B-60?
Bryston / Thiel coild be too bright. My vote would be for Spendors. 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Speakers come first. Then tweak / upgrade the sound with better amplifier.Of course you can't take this too far because ultra-revealing speakers will show upstream component's faults.Amplification is hard to explain. The differences are subtle but... 
Why low sensitivity speakers?
I found an article once, can't find it now. It said a high efficiency speaker CANNOT produce deep bass. Eg: Horns. 
Which cone's or platforms have helped? theory on cone placement: 
Which cone's or platforms have helped?[neuance] 
Component obsolescence
Thanks for the interesting responses. 
Which cone's or platforms have helped?
Tom nice - what are Neuance shelves made from? I did a search and can't find any info on them.My preference has been for brass or those ceramic like foot sanding stones. I prefer a cleaner sound. Sorbothane seemed to muddy up the sound which I did... 
Why Sony watts aren't as good as _____ watts
Jwrobinson, I like your dB headroom spec. Naim is one of the few companies who has listed dB headroom. It was at least 6 dB and probably much more.Dynamic, instantaneous current delivery can maker a 30 wpc amp like Naim sound much more powerful. I... 
Opinions on this "white paper"
So is InnerSound's coaxial speaker cable design worth trying? Are they best suited for electrostatics?From what TWL is saying, there are things which may affect the sound (and aren't measured) more that the measured inductance and capacitance that... 
Quick bi-wire question
I don't see why shotgun would be better. I assume that it is common knowledge that "external bi-wire" (two separate runs - one to highs / one to lows) is the correct way to bi-wire and running bi-wire internally gives little improvement.Shotgun so... 
Speakers for Rock
Sean, I don't like to recommend B&W.Don't want anyone's stereo to sound as good as mine ;-)