Responses from chocaholic
user poll on seperates vs integrated A voice here in favor of integrated amps. Fewer boxes, less cabling, space efficient and as a sound quality matter…the difference is negligible at best. There are so many external variables (room, power, cables, source, etc) that I believe it’s a ... | |
Denafrips Pontus II FPGA firmware upgrade 2023 Have been apprehensive about doing the FW update to my 9 month old P-2 12th. I’ve had no clicking ever and am quite pleased with my system. Not being one to hear half of the nuance you guys do, I think I’ll stick with the old adage…if it ain’t bro... | |
Downsizing: Separates>Integrated --PSAudio>Pass Labs Consider also PrimaLuna. I’ve been running their HP Integrated with 8 TungSol KT-150’s with glorious results into Focal Aria 936’s (with an impedance load that drops to 2.7). With the KT150’s, about 100 wpc of amazing SQ. Lots of great sugges... | |
Advice on how to liquidate system As I recall, you asked “how” to liquidate the entire system…not “if” you should liquidate the entire system. Skimmed the responses but didn't see a direct answer (may have missed it). So, here is one: List it for sale here with a brief explanati... | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had Really like my 25 year old Dunlavy cables. | |
what to do with a stereo that needs repair Ask around on AudioKarma or diyaudio. I found a guy who specializes in Sansui to fully restore my AU-717. | |
Is soundstage width a myth? Only a laymen’s experience to share. The experience is one of psychoacoustics. Creating enough of an illusion that make it easier for you to imagine depth. Width on the other hand is a function mostly of the recording engineer when balancing betwe... | |
Jazz like this? Suggestions Exactly the reason I dropped Qobuz. This is a primary function of streaming (for me) and I find Spotify the best platform for doing such a search. Search for Magnus Ringblom and then select Magnus Ringblom Radio. An endless playlist of his work al... | |
What is the VERY BEST CD album you've ever heard? Junko Onishi - Cruisin’ (if you can find it). | |
Stereo or monoblocks @normantaylor Since you went from 450wpc to 2000wpc, isn’t it possible that’s the reason for the improvement you described? It may have nothing to do with mono vs stereo. | |
Selling on Audiogon @noromance My dad always said it another way (but similar): Youth is wasted on the young. @paulg1966 When my tinnitus started several years ago, I was terrified. Went and had an MRI done as Google had assured me I had an acoustic neuroma amon... | |
More Bass Guessing you’ll be advised by Legacy to give them some time. One option may be to aim them facing each other, connect out of phase and play some bass heavy content non stop for a few days at a reasonable volume. Hopefully in that manner the proces... | |
Name 3 songs where audio quality and song quality completely align @curiousjim The album is called Blue Sun. The first track, Barcelona, is great too. Note, it’s Mark Isham. | |
Name 3 songs where audio quality and song quality completely align The Stimulators - St. James Infirmary Mark Isham - That Beautiful Sadness Kevin Mahogany - Teach Me Tonight Treat yourself and check these out. | |
One of the great things about Vinyl I find the same is true with CD’s. It’s just not as convenient to be impatient and jump around. Listening to an album or CD encourages a deeper appreciation of the musicians, writing, style, skill of the performance. I put on a Junko Onishi CD las... |