
Responses from dan_ed

cart measurement vs quoted spec
Yes, well I posted too quickly here at work. That is,of course, 1 dB of channel separation. ;-) Anyway, your Ultimate Analog Test LP has the tracks I mention. Tracks 1 and 2 on side 1. They are used for az adjustment but work pretty well for this ... 
cart measurement vs quoted spec
Hey Axel,Do you have the Cardas Test Record and if so, can you guys try this approach? (It may be similar to what you are doing but I'm not sure, so here goes). I probe from the phono stage output to keep other unknowns to a minimum, but probing f... 
Teres audio
George, I think Teres is moving to composite platters. Perhaps this would be even better than the acrylic. I think there are network issues as several sites have been unavailable lately, and the Teres site is not reachable for me at the moment. Ma... 
Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?
I'm not really a "nay", Bob. Good luck! 
Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?
we all know that Audiogon is the best audio siteWhat do you mean "we", kemo sabe? ;-) 
Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?
Bob, I wouldn't be against doing it on A'gon but most of those guys, Ethan, Brian, etc., already have at least 1 forum to keep up with. Acoustic CircleRives Forum 
new AP / MM record sleeves
Doesn't matter to me. I always steam them, clean them, and put them in new sleeves. I'm probably being anal about the new sleeves but it is a habit I started long ago. Many people do not like any kind of paper in the sleeve, and I'm sure these are... 
Room Treatment: Whatcha Got?
Who needs treatments? I just turn the volume up more. :-)I like Jloveys' approach also. He is breaking up the reflections with good decorating choices. I can't say that is what I've done and I don't have much room for additional furniture. After f... 
Inexpensive starter system
I think it would help if we knew something about what speakers you have, what do you know about setting up a 'table, what kind of music do you intend on listening to, what is your listening room like, etc. 
Has anyoe had problems using the mint LP tractor
Great, Rgurney! I owned a 2.2 for about 1 1/2 years so I'm familiar with the Graham setup jig. I wish I had a Mint back then. 
Has anyoe had problems using the mint LP tractor
Rgurney, I believe Yip will make a protractor with either but it may depend on the tonearm. However, you should ask him directly so you get the facts, and nothing but the facts. ;-)Seriously, he responds pretty fast to emails. 
Need help finding cause of hum
Hi Richard,Hope you have been well. Yep, I agree on the grounding. My ground is usually through the amps as well. Adding this second amp has turned out to be a chore. The new one even sounds different so I have to get in there at the coupling caps... 
Need help finding cause of hum
Thanks Al, you're circuit skills and experience far exceed mine. I think the hum has been there for a while. I tried just that offending amp alone. The hum is very faint, but still there. I've only introduced the second tube amp in the last week, ... 
cart measurement vs quoted spec
Yep, and there is a legitimate method for measuring crosstalk while taking into account the channel imbalance. I haven't read all of the details on what Axel is doing here. Having been through a few such discussions with him I know it is just not ... 
Need help finding cause of hum
Almarg and Ghosthouse,I may be hunting a similar issue, at least the descriptions sound similar to me.I have an amp that has developed a hum in one channel only. It is this channel because I have isolated it by disconnecting all outputs and inputs...