
Responses from dan_ed

Looking for basshorns
Yes, I think that most of the Edgar midbass horns that come up are the older tractrix and folded versions. The newer, straight Titan horn has some advantages over these. But if the room isn't so big maybe one is better of with reflex bass (?). 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
Kruati, I bet next time you'll phrase your question differently. ;-)98% of this thread is complete nonsense, but Phd's last post really took things down the crapper. 
Koetsu vs Dynavector vs Lyra??
If you like the Koetsu sound, I suggest staying with Koetsu. You won't find that kind of sound anywhere else. Except maybe with Grado. The Dynavectors and Lyras tend to the more neutral, more detail resolving. 
Difference between ZYX 4D and ATMOS
Nice rationalization, T-bone. Moral victory? How's that when we all vote with our dollars? This issue really comes down to who one feels they can trust. I'm sure KY Audio would be very happy to sweep all of this under the carpet. The NEW Audiogon ... 
Looking for basshorns
The Edgarhorn website has never really worked. ;-)Bruce is pretty much retired, but I suggest sending him an email through AA. However, if you can't do the DIY route I don't know if this is the way to go or not. 
Amp for Aerial 10T
I'm running mine with older model Classe CA301's in the HT. These were my 2-ch speakers several years ago. IMO the best sound I was able to achieve was with the one 301 on the right woofer and another on the left, with my PP Lectron powering the m... 
anybody have a doshi pre to audition?
Aronsss, do you have any information on how a Shindo sounds compared to a Doshi Alaap? 
Difference between ZYX 4D and ATMOS
No evidence, but here is the latest revision of the truth.6. The ZYX Atmos and 4D are NOT the same cartridge contrary to what Mehran is saying. 
anybody have a doshi pre to audition?
Hi Tom,that should make for a good combination. Two of my favorite makes, although I never owned BAT amps. I still have my VKD5-SE CDP whose sound always makes me happy. Even if things don't end up working out with the Alaap for you, I'm sure the ... 
cart measurement vs quoted spec
Look numb nuts,Dear Sir, you must READ my statements properly and sink them in. I AM USING A SCOPE! This multi-meter measurement stuff sux, period.On a scope you can see what going on, like noise etc. but not every one has one to play with as I me... 
Difference between ZYX 4D and ATMOS
It doesn't matter. The thread has been captured in at least one document. 
Looking for basshorns
How's 80Hz to 500-600Hz? Edgarhorn Titan IIs. I built the one's shown in my system from flat pack kits. Figure about a 3' x 4' footprint. This is just another suggestion. I'm sure John has some very good ideas. :-) 
Are more turntable motors better?
That is where the ultimate decision lies, what works for you as a customer, it is your decision based on your own parameters.Absolutely. We all have different ideas on what we can or cannot live with. I.e., start up is not an issue for me since I ... 
cart measurement vs quoted spec
Oh! So now you show up with the answer! Thanks Doug. :-) Now we know why Wally was charging what he does/did for the Analog Shop(?).Yes, there was something about all of this that didn't quite add up in my head. See what 15 years of working in the... 
cart measurement vs quoted spec
Axel,Glai hit on the keys to why our measurements are off, and this was confirmed to me by Dre. He'll be posting when he gets some time, but the short answer is we are not getting the noise floor low enough with our crude methodology.When I use my...