
Responses from jalanc42069

Has anyone had good experiences with trading?
I've had nothing but great luck trading on Audiogon. It's fun for me and lets you try stuff you might not buy but would like to try. I have found that the people that reply to trade offers usually are very caring of their equipment and are not mot... 
tuner questions
I am lucky enough to live where i can receive 3 different NPR stations with good sound quality, so a tuner is my 2nd favorite source next to vinyl. So much new music i probably would never had heard. I reccomend an analog tuner, they are inexpensi... 
Where can I find the Elfix polarity tester?
It used to be available at Audio Advisor, check with them, or buy the van den Hul version. Regards, Alan 
Sun Audio SV-2A3:: Direct or not?
Hi, I use a tube preamp with my SV 2A3. I have tried my cd player directly in. They both have their advantages IMO. More detail and more high end content directly in, but i still prefer the tube pre for its warmth and sweeter mids. To me, going di... 
Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out
How about a Bottlehead Foreplay kit or a Transendent Sound pre kit. There is a EAR 534L pre for sale now for 595. A used Quicksilver line stage, or ? I think these are all better than most new $700. chinese preamps. Lots of nice used preamps out t... 
Need recommendation for cheap cable terminators
I agree with Thorman, the best connector is no connector. 
get newer turntable?
Helo Samuellaudio, forget the sony and look at maybe a modified rega planar 2/3 or P25 used, or a Clearaudio Emotion/Satisfy(a couple for sale right now w/ cart.), Moth(same as rega), Basis 1400/rb-250 used, ther are so many good tables used at gr... 
Albany NY "Capital District"
I am stil interested in some kind of get togethers. Thamks, Alan 
please help with tube amp thks
If you are thinking open baffle with subs like the Prometheus MKII from Bastanis, or PHY 30, these speakers are very efficient (100 db), IMO the 300B is an excellent choice, or other SET amps(2A3,45,PX25). I've heard the Bastanis Prometheus MKIIs ... 
Best "P" mount cartridge?
Ortofon makes a few p mount cartridges in both mm and mc. I've been eyeing the ortofon OMP10 ($69.95), and upgrading it with the OM30 stylus. 
Naming your child after Audio equipment?
Once The TurntableShigarakiSMEThe Cartridge ManBow Technologies Wazoo 
best high sensitivity full range speak under 15k
Check out the new Bastanis Apollo, i heard them at RMAF, they sounded incredible. 
Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth
Dead Can Dance is doing a small north american tour in the major cities this fall after touring europe this spring/summer after a six year break to pursue other projects. The NYC show is my closest but i'm not going to be there then so i'm seeing ... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
Hey guys, i just found out that Rickie Lee Jones is in Boulder on Oct. 4th and in Durango on the 5th if anyone is interested. I just got a ninth row center seat yesterday for the Boulder Theater show, so seats are still available. I've never been ... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
Hello Cmk, i'm hoping to attend RMAF05. I went to it last year and loved it, this year's event is supposed to have even more exibitors. It wasn't really crowded, so you could see and hear what you wanted, and had plenty of time to talk . The rooms...