

Responses from larsman

Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
I don't agree with Ray Charles. Why people feel the need to insult music they don't happen to care for and the people who like it is beyond me.   
Beatles vs. Stones
@waytoomuchstuff - I was thinking the same thing, but there were some parallels in career trajectory, especially in their earlier days. Like the Beatles put out 'Sgt Pepper' and the Stones replied with 'Their Satanic Majesty's Request'. And while ... 
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@thespeakerdude + 1  
Beatles vs. Stones
I remember the big popularity battles in the 60's for a short while between the Beatles and the Monkees. And in retrospect, the Monkees had a lot better songs than they were given credit for. But still.   
Beatles vs. Stones
@bdp24 - I like watching Mazzy's vids too; he used to come into the record wholesaler in Oakland I was working at when we were both in the local record business in the 70's. And the shrooms are still magical now! 🤣  
Speaker Break-in
I've had speakers that sounded really good after just a few days of break-in time. I've also got a pair of great sounding Fritz speakers, and those took about 250 hours or so before the various frequencies started sounding like they'd met each oth... 
This might be the best year for music in a while
Alas, it doesn't get any better....   
I just discovered Van Der Graff Generator...
@mapman - I get the feeling that almost every copy of 'Pawn Hearts' ended up in the cut-out bins (the first couple of Soft Machines, too); few were the bins I perused that didn't have at least one in there. I wonder who at the record company thoug... 
I just discovered Van Der Graff Generator...
... and Peter Hammill and company are still going strong; just recently released a new live album. Totally agree with @petg60 . A couple of very accessible songs are 'Killer' off of 'H to He' and 'Necromancer' from 'Aerosol the Grey Machine'.  On... 
I was almost 14 yrs old when Burn was released, thankfully I think I have aged well.
Loved Mk 1 DP with Rod Evans, and of course Mk II with Ian Gillan, but I lost interest when Hughes and Coverdale came in. But I know a lot of people loved that lineup, too....   
A warning about hd tracks
@tony1954 + 1  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@baylinor - I know there are a lot of country music fans in the UK and Japan and elsewhere not-US. I don't think you need to be born somewhere to appreciate what the culture produces. I don't need to be Jamaican to get reggae. I'm American and hav... 
50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?
Personally, I enjoy rap and hip-hop; I don't enjoy jazz. I don't care about instrumental virtuosity; I care about whether I enjoy listening to the final result. Some genres I just prefer to others.   
Is R.E.M. underrated by new music nerds?
@roxy54 + 1    
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Any music that people like is good music to those people. But I don't consider music I don't like to be 'bad music'; it's just music I don't like. I like rock and pop and reggae. I don't happen to like jazz and country but I'd never say they're 'b...